
Automated Gating Solution for Flow/Mass Cytometry data

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Automated Gating made simple with Machine Learning

CytAutomaton is a web application that allows to automate your gating problem, gate new files and get customized results. The use of this approach displays many advantages :

    • standardisation of the analyses step ;
    • time saving —> 10 min per fcs file and per computer, production 24h/24 ;
    • gain of robustness —> the operator expertise is concentrated into few learning files and the gating application is not dependent on the operator state ;
    • adaptability to deep and complex gating strategies ;
    • quality controls automation and automatic detection of outliers.

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Easy to use

Once your dedicated automaton is built, you just have to load your fcs files on this web interface and wait for the generation of your customised reports 


Adapted to your problem

The use of machine learning approaches allows us to build automata dedicated to your own gating strategies. 



Our approach is able to handle samples variability and to adress issues related to strongly imbalanced sizes of cellular populations and rare populations



Fast & Simple

Load your fcs files one by one or in batch of multiple files. The processing time depends on the complexity of your gating strategy but it in most cases it lasts less than 10 minutes per fcs file including reports generation (production 24h/24) 


Web/Cloud based


Load your files and upload your reports on a user friendly web interface. All data transfers are encoded and secure.

Unique & Powerful

The use of the last machine learning approaches is a revolutionnary way to standardise the application of your gating strategy. This allows us to handle samples variability and adress issues related to strongly imbalanced sizes of cellular populations and rare populations


Adapted to your Problem


The automata generated is dedicated to your gating strategy. It takes into acount your specific constraints and goals to optimise the generated results


Our approach was tested in many different Immunomonitoring/Profiling studies in research and clinical fields.


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